Here at Cultivate Academics, we spend a lot of time preparing students for the college admissions process, but it’s also important to prepare students mentally for the transition between high school and college. College is an exciting experience that allows students to grow significantly by allowing them the liberty to choose their courses, make their class schedule, join student organizations, or even find employment on campus! With all this newfound freedom also comes a great deal of responsibility. Especially when it comes to studying habits, time management, and accountability.

While this transition can be nerve-racking, it truly is an exciting opportunity for personal growth! So, as you prepare to make the jump from high school to your dream university, use these college transition tips to ensure that you have a successful and enjoyable college experience.

1. Sharpen Study Skills

If you want to be successful in college, you will need to stay on top of your study habits from the start. Unlike high school teachers, college-level professors will have higher expectations for students’ ability to complete assigned readings and homework individually. Additionally, professors may not collect or check attendance regularly. Instead, they may rely on quizzes, exams, and papers to determine your grade in the class. Without disciplined study habits, this relaxed approach to homework and attendance can be a pitfall that causes undisciplined students to fall behind quickly!

2. Work on Time Management

One of the best parts of the college experience is transitioning from the rigid structure of grade school to the free-flowing structure of college life. Do you like to sleep in? Do you need to work? Are you a student-athlete? Interested in joining a fraternity or sorority? Great! You can do it all but you will need to manage your time wisely. Much like your study habits, being successful in college will come down to your ability to manage your time responsibly. Do not mistake the ability to create your schedule for permission to have no schedule!

3. Remember: Communication is Key

When it comes to college, you will encounter situations where life gets in the way of being able to attend class, submit assignments, or meet responsibilities on time. While you may have heard that professors will not tolerate these things, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that professors are understanding and accommodating as long as you remember to communicate with them. While this may seem like common sense, most students forget that

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Explore New Subjects

One of the most important things to remember about your post-secondary education is that college is the time to explore your interests and passions – even those you didn’t know you had! While many incoming freshmen may know exactly what they’d like to study for the next four years, colleges offer many opportunities to meet credit requirements while offering variety in the subject matter. For example, you may choose to take a Latin-American History course to satisfy a Humanities requirement for your degree even though you are a business or finance major. You may find that you have enough of an interest in a subject to take on a Minor in it. The point is that you won’t know where your education will take you without daring to try new things!